Testimonies from Haven House Residents
Review of Haven House Sober Living

"I came to Haven House as a very frightened insecure person. As soon as I stepped on the property I felt a sense of serenity and safety. I have been here for more over 2 years and I have grown immensely. I have learned so much here and have so much support. I think as Haven House as my home and I feel I am learning to become strong enough to live on my own. I have learned a sense of happiness that I have never had before. I have had no desire to use and am making better choices and decisions in my life today because of Haven House, the management and the structure here."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Marie K. -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"I Came to Haven House after I had hit bottom and my life was looking grim, That’s when I discovered Haven House Sober Living. The relaxing, tranquil and positive environment appealed to me as the optimal place to center my recovery around. I was able to build a foundation of recovery and still continue working towards my goals. There was a sense of fellowship and unity with other residents which was imperative to my recovery. Thanks to Haven House’s structured and 12-step oriented environment, I was able to continue attending college and get my degree. I am very grateful for Haven House giving me the resources necessary to get my life back on track."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Mark -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"Immediately, as I visited Haven House for the first time, I sensed the serene, quiet atmosphere. As I set foot in the gardens, I knew I must be a resident. The meditative environment has allowed me the chance to continue my recovery and excel at work. There are no disturbances and little in the way of distractions. I socialize with friends, here. I know, now, that I am part of the Haven House family. This is an opportunity no one in recovery should pass up. Once visiting the property, it will be apparent that Haven House is a notch above the rest."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Matt L. -House resident,
see Haven House Sober Living on Your Personal Place!

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"I entered the Haven House after completing a 4 month residential treatment center. Still feeling a little lost, scared and broken . I knew that i needed to find a place that would keep me on the road of success in recovery. I looked at multiple sober livings in the area. I was looking to get into an all women&s sober living. Needless to say after meeting the manager William and multiple residents i knew it was the place for me. The property has a relaxing, clean, positive structured environment. Everyone made me feel right at home. While i resided at the Haven House i got a job after not working for a couple years. I then shortly after that got custody of my children back. I am so grateful to the Haven House and still miss it! "

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Deanna -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"I have lived at Haven House for 2 1⁄2 years and it has benefited my sobriety so much. The atmosphere is peaceful and serene and I get lots of support from my roommates and the people who live here. I have lived in other sober livings and have had not so good experiences. The rent is so small compared to the many things that Haven House gives me back in return. I would recommend Haven House for anyone who is looking for a supporting environment to help in his or her sobriety."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Paula G. -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"My name is Lynnell. October of 2006, I decided it was time for me to make a change in my life. What I needed was a sober environment, a place to get me started on the road to recovery. I was blessed with a wonderful place to live!

Since I moved here I have been going to meetings, fellowship, and with the help of my wonderful sponsor I am working the steps. I have found friends here, the girls in the house and the guys. Our manager Robert. M, is a delight and I have grown considerably."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Lynnell A. -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"Haven House provides me a very safe, structured & pleasant place for recovery. I have grown a great deal in this very supportive environment. I recommend Haven House to anyone who is ready for a seriously fun adventure in sobriety."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Priscilla K. -House resident

Review of Haven House Sober Living

"I came to Haven House three weeks after paroling from a 2 year incarceration, I was fearful for my sobriety and confused about living life on life&s terms. Soon after moving in I began regaining my self-confidence and self-esteem as a direct result of feeling safe and actively working a 12-step program. With the encouragement of the Haven House family of residents I completed an out patient treatment program, finished school and released from parole after only 13 months. Today I am employed as a Chemical Dependency Counselor and get to share the love and compassion I found at Haven House with others. Haven House provided me a safe sober environment, accountability and just enough structure to help me learn how to enjoy living in sobriety. Thank you to Haven House for being one of the building blocks of my sober foundation."

Sober Living Services
Date published: 10-23-2015
5 / 5 stars

Ellen B. -House resident


Participating member of the greater Los Angeles Sober Living coalition.

Participates with all recovery centers in the Los Angeles Area.

Actively involved with AA, NA, DRA support networks.

Associated Long Beach atlantic Alano Club.